Creating and develop an innovation Apps and platform for human benefits to make life better to live in and we offer an AI solution in different aspects of life, as follows :
Of course, other exiting upcoming projects are on the way.
To answer the challenge in learning process nowadays, we creating an Artificial Intelligence solution that will help both student and tutor to get their best experience in the learning process.
Innovation that matched student and tutor by their personal preference and attribute that collected and managed by our unique algorithm through Artificial Intelligence to produce most compatible two parties in learning process.
It also can be monitored by parents in real time, and safe warranty for children’s, therefore parents can relax and know that their children are in the best hands.
Ever feel like have no idea what you’re doing or thinking? And wondering why are you reacting for something?
No worries about it, we are here to answer it. We develop an Apps that will help you to getting know ourselves.
Sometimes its hard to understand what happing inside ourselves, we often wondering what we’re thinking, react and make a decision about something.
Innovated Apps that build with experts in their expertise including Psychologist combined with Artificial Intelligence to help us understand and know ourselves that will help us to understand what we are and what we exactly needs.
Its just one click away to get an applicable advice that matched your character and communication style to solve the problems that might appear in life.
When you feel unwell physically and wondering what happen to your body, in other hands, you cant go to hospital or doctors for one reason or another, then you feel unsure what to do about it.
Together with Medics, Pharmacist and scientist we created an innovation solution using Artificial Intelligence to diagnose your early symptoms of disease you aren’t know about.
With this solution, we try to help you to get quick and convenience experience to diagnose your symptom to get treated right based on your diagnose result.
We tend to unsure what happen to our body, since the symptoms appear similar with other common disease. With this Apps, you can diagnose your symptoms to ensure what the disease you might have.
With early diagnose of the disease, you can do early prevention by treat it properly. It will save your energy, time and money in the process.
This Apps are created in a long way of research for years and many experts in their expertise pour out their dedication to create an early Autism diagnose and a practical advices for Autism treatment.
Currently, beauty is a basic needs of human hierarchy of needs. Both man and female are concern about their appearance, especially for their skin problems.
We present to provide best advice to any skin problems and needs in one innovative platform Artificial Intelligence based.
This platform will help you to recognize your skin problems by select your own skin condition that you have, through Artificial Intelligence, you will get diagnose of your skin condition and best advice to treat your skin properly.
Artificial Intelligence is common nowadays to be used for commerce including Trading and stocks, most of people know this innovation as “Robot” in trading and stocks market.
Therefore, we create this application to give an easy yet accurate experience solutions.
Our unique algorithm through Artificial Intelligence will collects any related information about trading and stocks market to produce a forecast to predict future markets, that will benefits you who using this solutions.
There’s a lot of entertainment that appear in our electronics devices, whether TV shows, movie or even games that we often to play.
However, not all of that kind of entertainment are beneficial and educated or even safe to watch and play by children.
Using an innovative Artificial Intelligence, we created the kind of entertainment that safe and educated yet fun, especially for children’s.
We concern about children’s entertainment nowadays, that’s why we dedicated ourselves to write, direct and produce the series, and through latest technology in Artificial Intelligence, we commit to serve healthy animation for your family entertainment needs.
Here are the projects that we’re created :
In this game, you will learn how to use time wisely and tell the story about Time itself, such as how time passes, wasted and how time can be so precious.
This is a 2D shooter game that consists of 10 main stages with multiple levels (5 levels in each stage) and the player has full control to beat each level. This game also provided four characters that you can choose with their specialty, here the characters are Isaac Newton, Tesla, Dirac and Zewail.
First you need to pick your racing kart and character, then start racing to beat the harmful food with yummy healthy food while you scale up your racing skills.
This is the combination of fun, healthy and educated games in one package. Now let's race with your yummy healthy food in the land of wonders!
This game was developed with various games to stimulate your brain while playing in iOs or Android gadgets.
You will find several games such as Arcade Runner that have 60 levels and each level will pop-up a quiz that needs to be answered to collect points to move forward to the next level. Also HOG (Hidden Object Game), Trivia Quiz and Puzzle game that effectively stimulate your brain yet still have fun.